Moskva, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article discusses the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), one of the key elements of which is adequate physical activity (not <150 min. of moderate or 75 min. of intense physical activity per week). Despite the simplicity of the criteria of a healthy lifestyle, their observance is often limited by the lack of motivation to encourage the population to engage in health-preserving behavior, which, however, may change depending on the age and national characteristics of specific social groups. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the regions that are leaders in the issues of a healthy lifestyle. An example is the Republic of Ingushetia, whose positive experience deserves study and popularization as a new promising trend in the health-preserving system — ethno-HLS, affiliated with ethno cultural requirements.
healthy lifestyle, physical activity, wellness, Ingushetia, ethnic lifestyle, health savings
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