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Abstract (English):
In addition to individual or shared therapeutic reading, creative writing is a common part of bibliotherapy, which deals with the use of literary arts for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Often this involves the professional writing of stories, essays, poems and other literary works, therapeutic diaries and therapeutic letters with a therapeutic-educational purpose, with the aim of processing experiences and memories after the fact. The paper discusses life script writing as an important part of the therapeutic instrumentation used in therapeutic-educational oriented bibliotherapy. It is about the conscious creative shaping of one's own life story in the immediate future here and now. The paper is loosely connected to the paper Literary Art in Therapeutic Education, which was published in the last issue of Medicine & Art (3/2023); therefore, some terms that have been used before are not reexplained in this paper. It is intended for experts who are interested in bibliotherapy and imagination as tools for mobilizing a person's internal healing powers to support their health and well-being.

literary art, script writing, bibliotherapy, therapeutic education, self-development and therapeutic tools
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