Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the reasons for the serious increase in morbidity among schoolchildren, which is demonstrated by modern statistics. Many of the external challenges that negatively affect children's health are presented: environmental problems, aggressive information, and other global problems. Obviously, their solution is complicated by its long-term nature, as it requires large-scale efforts at the state level. Meanwhile, the situation can be significantly improved in the short term. As a priority measure, the author recommends focusing efforts on the comprehensive correction of destructive factors within schools, such as a stressful environment, spiritual and moral underdevelopment, and a lack of literacy in matters of a healthy lifestyle for the students themselves. To effectively solve these problems, it is proposed to open rooms for health culture and music-art therapy, which should become a conductor of the main idea of the new paradigm—from general culture to the art of health care and general well-being. The foundation for achieving this goal is the existing retraining programs, which make it possible to train qualified specialists for such offices from among teachers, psychologists, and people with any higher education. At the same time, the advanced technologies of scientific music and art therapy presented in the article play an important role in preserving health, increasing adaptive capabilities, and harmoniously developing the schoolchild’s personality.

morbidity, schoolchild, external challenges, internal factors, culture, music therapy, art therapy, health care
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