Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the international conference on music therapy «Medicine and Art:from Bekhterev to the present day», held in March 2024 in Kazan as part of the anniversary neurological forum «NeuroWeek-Kazan 2024», are analyzed. The speakers of the conference presented the experience of the health and therapeutic effects of musical sound and musical art, highlighted the achievements of theoretical and experimental research in related sciences, natural sciences and humanities. Having gathered speakers from different countries, the conference showed the growing interest of scientists in the topic of music therapy and became an indicator of the high authority that the school of Russian scientific music therapy, headed by Professor S.V. Shushardzhan, has gained. As a result of the exchange of views and the establishment of new interdisciplinary contacts, new prospects for the development of this area were outlined.

music therapy, neurological forum, medicine, music, art, musical sound, interdisciplinary collaboration
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