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Abstract (English):
Using the example of the biography of Elsa Schiaparelli, one of the most prominent figures in the fashion world, the role of creativity, which became the object of this study, in the life of a neurotic personality is shown. It is proved that creativity acts as a protective mechanism against psychological trauma and internal conflicts, helping to redirect the attention and energy of the individual into a creative channel. As a child, Elsa Schiaparelli had a traumatic experience associated with the understanding of her uselessness in the family, lack of love and care from her mother, and ugliness in comparison with her older sister. In the future, the psychological trauma was aggravated by the husband's neglect of the woman and his departure from the family where the sick girl was born. The dramatic life situation, without breaking Elsa, contributed to her rebellion. Thanks to him, Schiaparelli turned to creativity and made an ascent in the fashion world. Her education and enormous resources of imagination contributed to this. The life of Elsa Schiaparelli demonstrates the positive potential of creativity, contributing to the self-realization of the individual.

creativity, neurosis, psychological trauma, Elsa Schiaparelli, humble personality type, aggressive personality type, rebellion, imagination
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