Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the prospects for the use of singing as an art in the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic respiratory diseases. A review of literature data is presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach, shown in numerous clinical studies. At the same time, the methodological features of a more in-depth and differentiated therapeutic and prophylactic methods are presented. It is the method of Vocal Therapy, based on the principles of academic singing and developed in Russia in the early nineties of the last century. It is carried out both in groups and individually. It has a special training system, conducted both in groups and individually. The article reflects the results of many years of research on the healing mechanisms of Vocal Therapy, the results of the application of an innovative method in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. It also discusses the prospects for use of the singing art power in other areas of medicine.

inging, art, chronic, respiratory, disease, vocal therapy, bronchial asthma
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